PSWS/NA1-Task1 workshop on Sun’s Influence on Planets, IRAP, Toulouse, 09-11/10/2017
Differences in the magnetic field and plasma environment at different planetary bodies, as well as the distance of the planet from the sun drives different space weather effects as we move through the Solar System. The use of solar wind propagation models combined with solar observations allows us to obtain and predict the interplanetary conditions around each planet and comet in the Solar System. We will review observations of planetary space weather and space climate obtained by on-going or past space missions such as STEREO, MEX, VEX, MESSENGER, Galileo, Cassini, Rosetta, MAVEN, as well as identify ways to improve modeling of space weather and space climate in our Solar System in preparation for future missions such as Exomars, BepiColombo, and JUICE. New tools and methods developed by PSWS will be introduced and discussed. Events of particular interest will be identified and further analysed in details. A topical issue devoted to planetary space weather in the Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate will follow this workshop.
SOC: N. André (IRAP), C.S. Arridge (Univ. Lancaster), Y. Futaana (IRF), A. Milillo (INAF), E. Roussos (MPS), M. Volwerk (IWF Graz)
LOC: N. André, M. Bouchemit, V. Génot, A. Goutenoir, M. Indurain (IRAP)
Agenda: PSWS_NA1_Workshop_Agenda
Participants: Beatriz Sanchez-Cano (University of Leicester), Mika Holmberg (IRAP), Martin Volwerk (IWF Graz), Yoshifumi Futaana (IRF Uppsala), Moa Persson (IRF Uppsala), Carley Martin (University of Lancaster), Andrea Opitz (WIGNER), Benjamin Grison (IAP), Catherine Dieval (University of Lancaster), Niklas Edberg (IRF Uppsala), Norberto Romanelli (LATMOS), Aniko Timar (WIGNER), Daniel Santos-Costa (SwRI), Nicolas André (IRAP), Chihiro Tao (NICT), Tomoki Kimura (Tohoku University), Go Murakami (ISAS/JAXA), Geraint Jones (UCL), Rui Pinto (IRAP), Baptiste Cecconi (OBSPARIS), Anna Kotova (IRAP), Vincent Génot (IRAP), Quentin Nenon (ONERA), Sébastien Hess (ONERA)
- Andre
- Dieval
- Romanelli
- Sanchez-Cano
- Edberg
- Tao
- Volwerk
- Timar
- Edberg
- Kimura
- Tao
- Murakami
- Santos-Costa
- Nenon
- Martin
- Holmberg
- Andre
- Grison
- Pinto
- Futaana
- Cecconi
- Jones
- Opitz
- Grison
- Murakami
- Genot
- Kimura
- Discussion
PSWS/NA1-Task 5 workshop on Tools and Services for Planetary Observations and Image Analysis by Amateurs’, Pic du Midi, France, 17-19/07/2018
Under Horizon 2020, the Europlanet 2020 Research Infrastructure includes an entirely new Virtual Access Service, “Planetary Space Weather Services” (PSWS) that will extend the concepts of space weather and space situational awareness to other planets in our Solar System and in particular to spacecraft that voyage through it. PSWS will provide at the end of 2017 12 services distributed over 4 different service domains – 1) Prediction, 2) Detection, 3) Modelling, 4) Alerts. Several tools and services are in particular developed for planetary observations and image analysis by amateurs. These include software to detect giant planet fireballs, lunar impacts, cometary tail disruption events as well as other remarkable events. PSWS tools and services will be presented to the amateur community and applied to their own database of images. Dedicated campaign of observations will be discussed and prepared. Some observation nights at Pic du Midi will follow the workshop.
SOC: N. André (IRAP), T. Cook (Aberystwyth Univ.), M. Delcroix (Amateur), R. Hueso (UPV), M. Scherf (IWF Graz)
LOC: N. André (IRAP), M. Delcroix (Amateur France)
Agenda: Later
Participants: Nicolas André (IRAP), Tony Cook (Aberystwyth Univ.), Marc Delcroix (Amateur), Manuel Scherf (IWF Graz), Kevin Baillie (OBSParis), Helen Usher (Amateur UK), Alexei Pace (Amateur Malta), Manos Kardasis (Amateur Greece), Emil Kraaikamp (Amateur Belgium), Wolfgang Beisker (Amateur Germany), Josep Soldevilla (Amateur Spain), Sascha Cook (Amateur UK), Jérôme Frayret (Amateur France), Céline Blitz (Amateur France), Gonzague Bosch (Amateur France), Pascaline Jung (Amateur France)